Ayurvedic Treatment For Epistaxis

Ayurvedic Treatments For Epistaxis Or Nosebleed photo

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There are numerous formulations and treatments mentioned in the various Ayurvedic texts for treating Nasagata Raktapitta. Some of them are explained below:

  • Nidana Parivarjana

    In any disease, avoiding the causative factor is the prime key to healing ailments. Ayurvedic doctors follow this rule even in NasagataRaktapitta also. These include food and lifestyle practices that cause the vitiation of pitta and Rakta.

  • Stambana

    Stambana means to stop or block. The therapy that prevents mobility and flow of mobile body elements and fluid is known as Stambana.

  • Langhana

    The purpose of this treatment is to make the body light by relieving heaviness. .

  • Tarpana

    In this treatment nutritious drinks and diet including vegetables and meat soup should be administered. It is given in different forms like Tarpana in the form of medicated drinks, medicated gruels, and in the form of a diet including leafy vegetables, grain, meat soup, etc. It is done after Langhana.

  • Peya

    Peya means digestive liquid foods or diet such as gruels. It enhances digestion and metabolism. It should be administered after Langhana.