Ayurvedic Treatment Of Cataracts

Ayurvedic Aspects And Treatment Of Cataracts photo

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To treat cataracts, Ayurveda aims to reduce the aggravated body energies and nourish and strengthen the nerves and tissues of the eye. To fulfill that aim, Ayurveda recommends various herbal formulations and Panchakarma therapies.

The below-mentioned panchakarma therapies help to cure the symptoms of cataracts.

  • Akshi tarpan

    Akshi tarpan, also known as NetraBasti, is one of the best Ayurvedic therapies to deal with cataracts. Akshi or Netra refers to the eyes, and tarpan stands for nourishment. Akshi Tarpana acts as both preventive and curative therapy for maintaining the normal healthy condition of the eyes. In this procedure, the person is made to lie down and a dough ring prepared out of black grams is applied around the eyeball of the patient. A person is instructed to close their eyes, and then medicated ghee is poured over them till it covers their eyelashes. Then the person is instructed to blink his or her eyes. This therapy helps in improving the eyesight of the person and reducing inflammation, redness, and itching-like problems with the eyes. The procedure lasts for 30 minutes.

  • Triphala Seka and Aschyotan Panchakarma for eyes

    Seka and Aschyotan are very important external therapies for eye disease. Triphala Seka means washing the eyes with medicated liquid. Aschyotan means applying the medicated liquid. The duration of Seka is 10 minutes. In the disorders of Rakta and pitta, Ropana Seka is done for 6 minutes.

    Aschothana is one of the unique procedures done for eye disorders. The procedure where the medicated drops surge onto the open eyes from a height of two inches in the prescribed format is called Aschothana. Aaschotana is the first line of treatment for eye diseases. Aschyotan is always done in the daytime only.

    In this procedure, the person is made to lie in a place without a breeze, with his eyes opened with the left hand. A medicine dispenser, or a shea shell, is held in the right hand of the doctor. 10 to 12 drops should be instilled in just two fingers above the inner canthus. Thus, it reduces cataracts.

    It is very beneficial for inflammatory conditions of the eye. It strengthens the nerves and muscles of the eye, gives freshness to the eyes, and increases the circulation of the facial muscles and facial nerves.

  • Nasya

    Nasya acts as both a pacificatory and a purificatory agent, and it promotes the strength of Indriya.

The main external Ayurvedic therapies for the treatment of cataracts are nasya, akshi tarpan, triphala seka, and aschyotan panchakarma.