Herbal Remedies For Cataract

Ayurvedic Aspects And Treatment Of Cataracts photo

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Ayurveda proves that herbal remedies are very helpful to treat cataracts. Some of them are as follow:

  • Fennel

    Fennel is very helpful for watery and inflamed eyes. It effectively treats cataracts and glaucoma.

  • Saffron

    Saffron supplementation prevented protein degradation and aggregation. As a result, it prevents cataract formation.

  • Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

    It is rich in Vitamin C, which is essential to get a better vision. It also strengthens the eye muscles. Thus it prevents cataracts. Amla powerfully inhibits the radicals, which are one of the sources of cataracts.

  • Bilberry

    Bilberry helps to lower blood lipids and strengthen connective tissue. Thus, the bilberry may slow the progression of cataracts. It is also known as blueberry and is full of antioxidant properties. So it has wonderful effects on the eyes and improves blood circulation in all parts of the body.

  • Haritaki

    It is one of the ingredients in Triphala, the wonderful remedy for cataracts. Haritaki is very helpful in reducing the cloudiness of the eye lens.

  • Bibhitaki

    It is also one of the three fruits used in the Ayurvedic Rasayana formula Triphala. Its paste is a good remedy to treat cataracts.

  • Triphala

    Triphala eye wash works very effectively in treating eye problems and maintaining good vision. It is very effective in preventing dry eyes, computer vision syndrome, cataracts, etc.

  • Maha Triphala Ghrita

    Another Ayurvedic herbal formulation is Mahatriphala Ghrita. It is a polyherbal Ayurvedic formulation. This ghrita contains Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Amla, Bhringraj Swarasa, Shatavari, Vasa Guduchi, Ajakshira, etc. These herbs show anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, rejuvenating, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties. .

The herbal remedies that are helpful to manage the symptoms of cataracts are fennel, saffron, amla, bilberry, bibhitaki, haritaki, triphala, and maha triphala Ghrita.