Ayurvedic Treatments To Cure Kushta

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  • Ayurveda suggests administering herbal ghee internally is good for Vata related Kushta.
  • A person who suffers from Kapha related Kushta, Vamana-emetic therapy is advised by Ayurveda. Vamana Emetic therapy refers to eliminating toxins from the upper channel like the mouth. Vamana therapy used to be done once in fortnight.
  • Virechana-purgation therapy is advisable for people who suffer from Pitta dominated Kushta. Virechana -Purgation therapy is a part of Panchakarma therapy. Virechana-Purgation treatment aims to remove body toxins in a controlled manner through the lower pathways. Virechana therapy used to be done once in a month.
  • Sodhana therapy is advisable for people who suffer from Bahudosha (more vitiated doshas). Sodhana is a purification therapy and aims to make the balance of all doshas naturally.
  • Raktamokshana (bloodletting) therapy aims to remove blood in small amounts to decrease the pitta dosha which is very good for Pitta dominant Kushta. Raktamokshana is to be done in a gap of 6 months.

Apart from these Ayurvedic practices, Ayurveda suggests certain Ahara and Vihara practices to control Kushta.