Causes Of Cervical Spondylosis

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Some of the causes of Cervical Spondylosis are:

  • Dehydrated disks

    By the age of 40, spinal disks begin to dry out and shrink, which allows more bone-on-bone contact between the vertebrae causing aforesaid symptoms.

  • Herniated disks

    Age also affects the exterior of your spinal disks. Cracks often appear, leading to bulging (herniated) disks — which sometimes can press on the spinal cord and nerve roots.

  • Bone spurs

    These are overgrowths of the vertebral bones which also happen with age. These outgrowths may compress the nerves arising from that particular segment thus leading to neck pain.

  • Stiff ligaments

    Ligaments are cords of tissue that connect bone to bone. Spinal ligaments can stiffen with age, making your neck less flexible.

  • Age

    Cervical spondylosis is a normal part of aging.

  • Occupation

    Jobs that involve repetitive neck motions, awkward positioning, or a lot of overhead work put extra stress on your neck.

  • Neck injuries

    Previous neck injuries appear to increase the risk of cervical spondylosis.

  • Genetic factors

    Some individuals in certain families will experience more of these changes over time, while others will not.

  • Smoking

    Smoking has been linked to increased neck pain.