1. Diet Recommendations (Aahar)

Ayurvedic Management Of Gestational Diabetes Ayurvedic Management Of Gestational Diabetes photo

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Ayurveda recommends following a diet that is helpful to control Gestational Diabetes:

  • Avoid sugar, sugar products, rice, potato, ghee, butter, fat, regular oil, fermented food items, alcohol, black gram, kidney beans, and other heavy items.
  • Include vegetables like green banana, fenugreek leaves, tomatoes, bell pepper, spinach, cucumber, radish, sponge gourd, drumstick leaves and fruits, broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, cabbage, and bitter gourd in your diet.
  • Increase intake of barley in the diet as it helps manage Diabetics.
  • Include pulses like green gram, Bengal gram, black-eyed pea, garbanzo beans, and chickpea in your diet.
  • Spices like turmeric, cinnamon, garlic, fenugreek seeds are beneficial to control Gestational Diabetes.
  • Include Cereals like wheat, oats, barley, pearl millet, etc.
  • Include fruits such as orange, watermelon, apple, jambu, kapitha(wood apple), and amla.
  • Drink bitter gourd juice or white pumpkin 20-30 ml on an empty stomach.
  • Consume fenugreek seeds soaked overnight in water.