Dosage Of Haritaki

Ayurvedic Health Benefits Of Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) photo

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Haritaki can be consumed in the form of Avaleha, Churna, and tablets. General recommended dosage of Haritaki is:

Haritaki Avaleha

  • The general recommendation for Adults is 5-10 gms once or twice a day before or after food.
  • The general recommendation for children is 1-2 gms once or twice a day mixed in a glass of warm water or milk along with a teaspoon of honey or as suggested by your doctor.
Haritaki Churna
  • The general dosage for an adult is 5-10 gms once or twice a day after meals infused with milk. The general dosage for children is 1-2 gms once or twice a day after meals along with milk by the consultation of your Ayurvedic doctor.
Haritaki Tablets
  • The general recommendation for adults is 375 mg – 1.5 g twice a day after food infused with warm milk or water.
  • The general recommendation for children is 125 – 375 mg twice a day after food infused with warm milk or water.