Five Basic Types Of Pranayamas

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The five basic types of pranayama include:

  • Bhastrika Pranayama

    In this pranayama, the body gets the maximum amount of oxygen due to complete inhaling and exhaling.

  • How to do: Sit comfortably on flat ground. Take a deep breath through both nostrils and fill the lungs with air and then exhale completely with a hissing sound. Repeat.

  • Kapalbhati Pranayama

    It is effective in curing stomach disorders, obesity, digestive disorder, and many problems related to the stomach.

  • How to do it:Sit on a flat floor, folding your legs, keeping your spine straight, and closing your eyes. Keep the right palm on the right knee and the left palm on the left knee. Now take a deep breath, and exhale with all your force so your stomach will go deep inside. Do not stress on inhaling. Inhaling will be done automatically after each exhale.

  • Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

    This pranayama is also known as Anulom Vilom Pranayama. The regular practice offers an energy boost in the body and releases stress and anxiety. It should be practiced in the morning in the fresh air with an empty stomach.

  • How to do: Sit comfortably on flat ground. Now close the right nostril with your right thumb and breathe from the left nostril. Then close the left nostril with the middle and ring fingers and breathe out from the right nostril. Now, while closing the left nostril, breathe in deeply with the right nostril, then close the right nostril and breathe out with the left nostril. Do the repetitions.

  • Bhramari Pranayama

    This type of pranayama is suitable for releasing agitation, frustration, and anger. It is the best breathing exercise for calming your mind.

  • How to do: Sit comfortably on flat ground. Place your index fingers on the forehead and with the remaining fingers close your eyes. Start inhaling through both the nostril deeply and slowly. By keeping your mouth close, exhale by making a humming sound like “hmmm”. While making a humming sound say ‘Om’ in soft humming sound. Repeat.

  • Sheetali Pranayama

    Sheeta means cooling, which is exactly the effect of this pranayama. It is the best pranayama pose for stress, anxiety, and tension.

  • How to do: Sit in a comfortable position with the back and head erect, hands on the knees in Jnana mudra, and eyes closed. Make a puckered circle with your mouth then stick out your tongue and curl the edges inwards to form a tube. Inhale slowly and deeply through the tube as if sucking air through a straw to the count of 4. Fill up your abdomen and chest to full capacity. Retain the breath. Straighten your head and exhale through the nostrils until all air is expelled. Repeat.

The five basic types of pranayama are Bhastrika Pranayama, Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama,and Sheetali Pranayama.