Foods For Pitta Dosha

Ayurvedic Food Patterns For Healthy Body photo

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As per Ayurveda some of the foods that are balancing our body due to pitta type dosha are:

  • Protein

    poultry in small amounts, egg whites, tofu.

  • Dairy

    milk, ghee, butter.

  • Fruits

    sweet, fully ripe fruits like oranges, pears, pineapples, bananas, melons, and mangoes.

  • Vegetables

    sweet and bitter veggies, including cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, zucchini, leafy greens, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, and Brussels sprouts.

  • Legumes

    chickpeas, lentils, mung beans, lima beans, black beans, kidney beans.

  • Grains

    barley, oats, basmati rice, wheat.

  • Nuts and seeds

    small amounts of pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, coconut.

  • Herbs and spices

    small amounts of black pepper, cumin, cinnamon, cilantro, turmeric.