Guidelines For A Healthy Menstrual Cleanse

How To Maintain Healthy Menstrual Cycle Through Ayurveda photo

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  • Eat a simple diet

    You want to reserve all of your body’s digestive fire for cleansing. Eating kitchari and other warm, thoroughly cooked meals will be helpful for the body’s digestion. Spices, such as ginger, cardamom, saffron, cumin, coriander, fennel, and cinnamon must be included in your diet.

  • Honor yourself with rest and rejuvenation

    Cleansing involves the movement of wastes down and out of the body and we want to be sure that that directional flow is not counteracted by upward movements, like excessive talking or thinking sexual intercourse, and even pranayama and yoga. These activities also take up a lot of energy and your body needs to use all of its reserve energy towards cleansing.

    Don’t suppress urges, like urination, defecation, and sneezing. If you are suppressing all these urges it will promote Vata to go opposite of its normal downward flow.