Reflect And Meditate

How To Maintain Healthy Menstrual Cycle Through Ayurveda photo

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  • Hydrate

    Hydration has great importance to move wastes. During a menstrual cleanse, hydrate with warm teas, such as ginger tea, lemon tea with honey, or CCF tea (cumin, coriander, and fennel) .

  • Pranayama

    Pranayama is very useful during menstruation as it helps to balance emotions and calm the mind. It can also help one to deal with any pain. The ideal time for doing pranayama is to do twenty minutes before sleeping.

  • Yoga

    A strong yoga practice is very helpful to balance the doshas effect caused during the menstruation cycle. It will keep your body strong and limber, removing physical blockages for pranic flow. Poses particularly great for the female reproductive system are Child’s Pose (Balasana), Butterfly’s Pose (Baddha Konasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana), Plow (Halasana), and reclining Hero (Supta Virasana).

Some of the basic guidelines that are helpful during menstruation are eating a simple diet, rest and rejuvenation, yoga, pranayama, meditation, don’t suppress urges, like urination, defecation, and sneezing, etc.