Health Benefits Of Lakshadi Guggulu

Role Of Lakshadi Guggulu In Treating Bone-related Diseases photo

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Lakshadi Guggu is a classic Ayurvedic formula prepared based on Kerala Ayurvedic principles. Lakshadi Guggulu can effectively treat various kinds of bone diseases.

  • Treat Osteoporosis

    The Vata balancing property of Lakshadi Guggulu helps to get rid of the pain associated with Osteoporosis.

  • Treat Arthritis

    Rich source of calcium and Vata balancing properties of Lakshadi Guggulu helps to get relief from the pain associated with arthritis. The anti-inflammatory properties of Lakshadi Guggulu reduce pain and inflammation of joints.

  • Treat fatigue

    High calcium-building content of Lakshadi Guggulu helps the body meet its total calcium needs while reducing tiredness symptoms.

  • Healing from bone fractures

    Lakshadi Guggul is a rich source of calcium which helps promote a faster healing process in bone fractures. It enhances the calcium deposition on the bones, promoting easy recovery.

The ingestion of Lakshadi Guggulu can successfully control a variety of health disorders such as bone fractures, weariness, arthritis, and so on.