Health Benefits Of Prasaranyadi Thailam

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The external application of Prasaranyadi Thailam has multiple health benefits as per Ayurveda.
- Treat rheumatoid arthritis
The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Prasaranyadi Thailam helps in the management of pain and inflammations associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
- Treat neck pain
The healing properties of Prasaranyadi thailam helps to treat neck pain naturally.
- Treat Paralysis
Prasaranyadi Thailam recommends the external application of Prasaranyadi thailam in the treatment of Paralysis.
- Treat Locked jaw
Regular application of Prasaranyadi thailam helps to treat locked jaw.
- Treat tridosha imbalances
Prasaranyadi thailam is very effective in pacifying aggravated Vata and Kapha dosha.
- Treat stiffness
Regular massage with Prasaranyadi Thailam can treat stiffness of joints.
The external application of Prasaranyadi Thaila can treat health conditions such as paralysis, rheumatoid arthritis, neck pain, and locked jaw.