Health Benefits

Health Benefits Of Bhringaraj photo

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Bhringraj is a widely used ayurvedic herb to treat different types of diseases. It can be used in different forms like powder or Churna, juice or Kashayam, juice or Asava, oil or Tailam. It has a lot of health benefits also. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Bhringraj is an excellent herb that can be used as a liver tonic to manage liver disorders like enlargement of the liver, fatty liver, and jaundice. It works by balancing Pitta and promoting bile flow. Due to its appetizer and digestive properties helps to improve metabolism.
  • Bhringraj is a very effective remedy for conditions like indigestion, constipation, and loss of appetite. They deepen and Panchan. These properties help to improve digestive fire and help in the easy digestion of food.
  • Bhringraj has anti-aging action and rejuvenates the body due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property.
  • The Tikta, Deepana, and Panchan properties of Bhringraj helps to control high blood sugar levels. Bhringraj also has anti-fibrotic effects, which can help to prevent and treat hepatic fibrosis. The presence of triterpenoid content in Bhringaraj reduces the proliferation of hepatic stellate cells.
  • The water extract of Bhringraj has anti-HCV activity. So Bhringraj is an effective treatment for Hepatitis C. It will also help to improve liver functions as well as reduce the progress of the disease.
  • It is an effective remedy to treat Jaundice.
  • Bhringraj is also an effective medicine for the prevention and treatment of hair fall. However, its external application also helps to prevent hair fall by strengthening hair roots.
  • Bhringraj treats premature whitening of hair. The mixed proportion of both Bhringraj powder and Triphala powder is advised to take in the morning on empty stomach for treating premature whitening of hair. .
  • Bhringraj is used along with other Ayurvedic medicines for treating chronic fever in which liver function impairs, or liver and spleen become enlarged. .
  • Bhringraj is an effective remedy for cough. It also prevents mucus accumulation in the lungs and gives relief from a productive cough. .
  • Bhringraj is a great blessing for asthma patients. .
  • It helps in relieving cough, high-pitched wheezing, and chest congestion. .
  • The Ayurvedic properties of Bhringraj cure heartburn and hyperacidity. It is an effective remedy for all types of Amlapitta. .
  • Bhringraj is very beneficial for treating headaches and migraines. The internal use is that Bhringraj Juice is given in a dosage of 3 to 5 ml thrice daily for headache and migraine patients. It is also used as a nasal installation (Nasya) for treating migraines. .
  • Bhringraj is used in the form of powder for improving eyesight and treating several eye disorders.
  • The properties in Bhringraj prevent pregnancy loss. It is an effective remedy to prevent miscarriage and strengthen the uterus.

Bhringraj is a miraculous Ayurvedic herb used for curing various diseases like liver disorder, liver fibrosis, Hepatitis C, Jaundice, Hair Loss, Premature Whitening of Hair, Chronic Fever, Productive Cough, Asthma, Heartburn, Hyperacidity, Headache, Migraine, Recurrent Miscarriage, Eyesight, and Eye Disorder.