How To Treat Anemia Naturally

Ayurvedic Treatment For Anemia (Pandurog) And Home Remedies photo

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Here are some effective Ayurvedic treatment methods to cure anemia,

  • Abhyanga (Massage)

    whole body massage with medicated oil is a fine way to remove toxins from the body.

  • Surya Bhedana/pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing)

    Surya Bhedana/pranayama aids the liver, builds blood, brings oxygen to the body and mind.

  • Exercise and Yoga

    Regular practice of yoga and exercise increases blood circulation. Savasana (Corpse Pose), Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Surya Bhedana (Sun-piercing Breath), etc are some good yoga postures for treating Anemia.

  • Diet

    People who are anemic have to consume foods with more iron content like beetroot, Amla, carrot juice, green leafy vegetables, fresh figs, dates, nuts, onions, pomegranate, raisins, etc should be a part of the diet regularly.