Ayurvedic Treatment For Anemia (Pandurog) And Home Remedies

Ayurvedic Treatment For Anemia (Pandurog) And Home Remedies photo

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Anemia is a common blood disorder. Anemia arises due to imbalances of Agni (digestive fire) in our body which leads to loss of hemoglobin count in the body. The normal Haemoglobin count is 13.5-18g/dl in Males and 12-16g/dl in women. If the hemoglobin count goes below normal level causes weakness, shortness of breath, fatigue, etc. Anemia mostly affects women, children, and pregnant women. Comparatively, Anemia is lesser in men than women.

According to Ayurveda, Anemia is called Pandurog. Because the nail, skin and eyes become whitish for anemic people. In sanskrit , the word’ Pandu’ means pale, so anemia is termed as Pandurog.

Types Of Anemia Or Pandurog

Pandurog has been classified according to the vitiation of doshas like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. In Order to treat Pandurog, one needs a better knowledge about which dosha is vitiated.

  • Vata Pandurog

    Vata Pandurog is called Iron deficiency Anemia. Major causes of Vata Pandurog are body ache, constipation, dark skin, dry skin, cracking of joints, etc.

  • Pitta Pandurog

    Pitta Pandurog is known as Sickle-cell Anemia. Major causes of Pitta Pandurog are thirst, yellowish skin color, excess sweating, fever, pale, sensitivity to light, etc.

  • Kapha Pandurog

    Kapha Pandurog is known as Hypo-proteinemic Anemia. The main causes of Kapha Pandurog are Whitish skin, vomiting, heaviness in the body, breathlessness, etc.

Vata Pandurog, Pitta Pandurog, and Kapha Pandurog are three types of Pandurog that arise due to the imbalance of Tridosha like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Symptoms Of Pandurog

General symptoms of Pandurog are,

  • Weakness

    Anemic people feel weaker because of the reduced flow of oxygen to the organs.

  • Dizziness

    Due to the lack of red blood cells, which carries oxygen to your organs affects the proper functioning of the body that leads to dizziness.

  • Failing Memory

    Iron deficiency affects brain structures and causes long-lasting abnormal function of the brain. Such a situation leads to failing memory.

  • Lack of energy

    People who suffer from anemia feel a lack of energy because of enough iron in the body.

  • Heart Palpitations

    Due to lack of enough oxygen supply to the organs, there are chances of heart palpitations.

  • Hair Loss

    Iron deficiency is the main reason for hair loss for anemic people especially in women.

  • Whitish skin

    The reason behind the paleness of the skin in the lesser production of red blood cells in the body.

We can easily identify an anemic person by observing the symptoms like failing memory, whitish skin, heart palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, etc.

Causes Of Anemia

The root cause of Anemia is different in different people. General causes of anemia are,

  • Lack of red blood cell production

    Lack of enough red blood cell production due to bone marrow failure is an important cause of anemia.

  • High rates of red blood cell destruction

    Red blood cells are destroyed because an autoimmune system destroys red blood cells by considering them as a foreign substance. Such a condition leads to anemia.

  • Blood loss

    Blood loss happens due to various situations like menstruation, pregnancy, and any other diseases that lead to heavy loss of iron from the body cause anemia.

  • Low hemoglobin count

    Lack of production of red blood cells causes low hemoglobin count.

  • Weak digestive fire

    Weak digestive fire causes failure in breaking up the food that we consume. So our body doesn’t receive enough nutrition that causes anemia.

  • non-nutritious diet

    When we are eating less nutritious foods especially lack of iron, it causes anemia.

  • Worms

    Worm infections can cause heavy blood loss and lead to anemia.

There are various reasons that people get affected by anemia. The most common causes are heavy blood loss, less hemoglobin count, non-nutritious foods, a high rate of red blood cell destruction, worm infections, weak digestive fire, etc.

How To Treat Anemia Naturally

Here are some effective Ayurvedic treatment methods to cure anemia,

  • Abhyanga (Massage)

    whole body massage with medicated oil is a fine way to remove toxins from the body.

  • Surya Bhedana/pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing)

    Surya Bhedana/pranayama aids the liver, builds blood, brings oxygen to the body and mind.

  • Exercise and Yoga

    Regular practice of yoga and exercise increases blood circulation. Savasana (Corpse Pose), Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Surya Bhedana (Sun-piercing Breath), etc are some good yoga postures for treating Anemia.

  • Diet

    People who are anemic have to consume foods with more iron content like beetroot, Amla, carrot juice, green leafy vegetables, fresh figs, dates, nuts, onions, pomegranate, raisins, etc should be a part of the diet regularly.

Lifestyle Changes To Treat Anemia

Here are some of the life style change you can do to cure anemia,

  • Cooking in iron pots is a fine remedy to treat Anemia.
  • Sunbathing ensures an increase of red blood cells in the body because of the increase in the blood circulation.
  • In order to increase blood circulation, bathing in cold water is another solution.
  • Use natural laxatives to avoid constipation problems.

Abhyanga( body massage), Ahara( healthy diet), Vihar( lifestyle) and Pranayama( right nostril breathing), etc.

Home Remedies To Cure Anemia

  • Amla Juice

    Consuming a glass of Amla juice is a fine remedy to treat Anemia because Amla is rich in Vitamin C and Iron.

  • Punarnava

    Punarnava has the ability to remove excess Kapha from the body. Also, the herb increases red blood cells in the body.

  • Fenugreek

    Fenugreek leaves are rich in iron which are very effective in treating anemia.

  • Pyaaz (Onion)

    Onion is rich in iron, copper, and sulfur which is a fine remedy to cure anemia.

  • Ghrit Kumari (Aloe Vera)

    Consuming a glass of Aloe juice is effective in treating anemia because aloe Vera can stimulate bone marrow which leads to an increase in red blood cells.

  • Parsley juice

    Parsley herb is rich in iron so consuming a glass of Parsley juice helps in the prevention of anemia.

  • Carrot, Celery, and Spinach juice

    Carrot, Celery, and Spinach juice are rich in iron that are effective in treating Anemia.

  • Apple Juice

    Apple contains antioxidants and fiber which help to remove body toxins and make you healthy.

Some of the easiest home remedies to cure anemia are consuming herbs, vegetables, and fruits that are rich in Vitamin C and Iron such as Amla juice, apple and carrot juice, spinach juice, Ghrit Kumari( Aloe Vera), onion, fenugreek, Punarnava, etc.


The above-mentioned information is collected from various Ayurvedic resources. Different people have different body types. So always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any herbs or herbal supplements.

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