1. Shamana (Palliative) Treatment:

Basic Ayurvedic Treatments And Herbal Remedies To Cure Obesity photo

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Shamana therapy is a palliative approach that normalizes the doshas rather than expelling them from the body (Samshodhana). Palliation involves enkindling Agni and stimulating digestion through fasting, which in turn neutralizes the toxins. There several types of Shamana Treatment including:

  • Langhan (Fasting)

    Fasting in Ayurveda means ‘holding onto your hunger’. Ayurvedic principles state that fasting is depleting therapies that inspire a true need for food to be taken in a balanced amount. The type of fasting varies according to the dosha. Vata people can do a fast on hot liquids, pitta can fast on a liquid diet like fruit juices and Kapha people can do an actual fast (not having anything/ skipping a meal) which can be a great struggle.

  • Ruksha Udwartan (Dry medicated powder massage)

    It is very effective in reducing cellulite and fat accumulation. Overweight people can also get benefits from this technique to control their body weight. Rubbing herbal powder helps to break down the cellulite and increases the burning accumulated fat.

  • Heavy and non-nourishing diet

    Items like Honey, salad, etc are advised for people who have overweight. .

  • Physical exercises, mental work

    Physical activity increases people's total energy expenditure, which leads them to stay in energy balance or even lose weight. It helps to burn extra calories. Physical activity decreases fat around the waist and total body fat, slowing the development of abdominal obesity. Mental work like yoga is a good remedy to cure obesity. Dhanurasana, bhujangasana, shalabasana, ardha matsyendrasana, trikonasana and vakrasana are few of the asanas of yoga postures for losing extra fat. This will be more effective when practiced with pranayama and a proper diet.