Shirodhara Oils And Ingredients

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There are different types of oils used as the ingredient of Shirodhara. Before choosing the oil, the body type of the individual should be analyzed and use herbal oils based on it. Shirodhara oils contain herbal extracts that are to be used with milk, buttermilk, or coconut water as the ingredients. Shirodhara has immense health benefits in that it treats diseases such as allergic rhinitis, memory loss, vertigo, tinnitus, damage, insomnia, Meniere’s disease, eye diseases, sinusitis, various neurological disorders as well as certain skin disorders like psoriasis.

Various herbal oils that are used in the Shirodhara procedure is:

  • Chandanadi thailam.
  • Narayana thailam.
  • Karpasasthyadi thailam.
  • Ksheera Baladi thailam.
  • Dhanwantharam thailam.
  • Sesame oils.
  • Ghee( clarified butter).
  • Mahanarayan Oil.

Shirodhara with suitable herbal oils ensures lots of health benefits. Shirodhara helps to relieve mental stress and induces calm sleep. Shirodhara oils are rich in anti-stress and antidepressant properties.