Significance Of Ayurvedic Massage

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Ayurvedic massage is known as Abhyanga. The significance of abhyanga (whole body massage) describes in ancient Ayurvedic scriptures. Abhyanga done with Ayurvedic oils offers a rejuvenating and relaxing effect on the body. Ayurvedic treatments are customised based on the health conditions of the patient. Our body is composed of five elements; earth, water, air, fire and space. Air and space are known as Vata, fire and water as Pitta and water and earth are called Kapha. According to Ayurveda, an imbalance of Tridoshas like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha causes various diseases. Abhyanga helps to balance doshas in the body and helps to expel body toxins naturally. A gentle massage on the whole body helps to nourish the cells, tissues, and energy channels.