What Are All The Advantages Of Doing An Ayurvedic Massage In Kerala?

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Ayurvedic Massage

Kerala is a paradise for Ayurvedic treatments. Kerala is rich in splendid natural resources like beautiful climate, availability of herbs and spices, infrastructure, etc. Kerala has many ancient Ayurvedic centres and popular Ayurveda acharyas. The monsoon (June to September) is the best season to do Ayurvedic treatments in Kerala.

Significance Of Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage is known as Abhyanga. The significance of abhyanga (whole body massage) describes in ancient Ayurvedic scriptures. Abhyanga done with Ayurvedic oils offers a rejuvenating and relaxing effect on the body.

Ayurvedic treatments are customised based on the health conditions of the patient. Our body is composed of five elements; earth, water, air, fire and space.

Air and space are known as Vata, fire and water as Pitta and water and earth are called Kapha. According to Ayurveda, an imbalance of Tridoshas like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha causes various diseases. Abhyanga helps to balance doshas in the body and helps to expel body toxins naturally. A gentle massage on the whole body helps to nourish the cells, tissues, and energy channels.

Procedures In Abhyanga

Abhyangas include three different stages like Pre-abhyanga, Abhyanga, and Post abhyanga.

  • Pre-Abhyanga stage

    Discuss your health concerns, medical history, diet, and lifestyle with your doctor. After a detailed diagnosis, your physician will suggest an abhyanga that suits your health. Herbal oils for massages prepare in either coconut oil or sesame oil. Before abhyanga starts, the practitioners heat the oil that helps the oil to penetrate deeply into the skin.

  • Abhyanga

    Abhyanga is the application of warm oil on the entire body. For this purpose, you need to lay down on a table in a relaxing posture. The practitioner applies medicated oils all over your body. The heated oil penetrates deeply into your skin and ensures a calming effect on your body. Abhyanga has multiple health benefits like

    • Abhyanga helps to calm the nervous system.
    • Abhyanga improves blood circulation.
    • Abhyanga with medicated oils can manage various diseases.
    • Abhyanga helps to expel body toxins.
    • Abhyanga helps to get rid of tensions, anxiety, and stress.
    • Help to improve lymphatic drainage, nourish the skin, and release muscle tension.
    • Boost our immune system.
    • Lubricate the joints.
    • Stimulate the internal organs.
    • Improve the quality of sleep.
  • Post Abhyanga stage

    Post abhyanga is the phase after the massage. After the massage, you can relax at your table. After that, you can take a light shower as per the instruction of your physician. After massage procedures are over, the next step is how to maintain a healthy way of living. To achieve it, your physician will provide your diet regimens, lifestyle tips, yoga and meditation, Ayurvedic formulations, etc.

Types Of Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massages can be of different types based on the need of the body. Some people want to treat certain diseases, while others need to rejuvenate the body. So Ayurveda physicians identify the requirements of the people who come for abhyanga.

  • Garshana massage

    Garshana massage is an ancient Ayurvedic massage that aims to stimulate the skin and lymphatic system. Garshana massage can pacify aggravated Kapha and Pitta dosha.

    In this massage, raw silk gloves and light strokes use as they are soft and soothing. Garshana massage will take 20 minutes. Abhyanga begins after this massage. This massage helps to expel body toxins and exfoliate dead skin cells.

  • Shiro Abhyanga

    Shiro means head and abhyanga means massage. Shiro Abhyanga is the process of massaging the head, neck, and shoulders with herbal oils. Shiro abhyanga is one of the best treatments to manage tensions, anxiety, and stress. Shiro abhyanga includes two processes Shirodhara and abhyanga. Shirodhara consists of pouring a relaxing and gentle flow of herbal massage oil formulations on the scalp, forehead, and neck.

    Abhyanga is a gentle massage on the forehead, head, neck, and shoulders. The brain is the organ that benefited from Shiro abhyanga as this is the seat of consciousness and the sense organs with which we interact. Shiro abhyanga can improve vision, rejuvenates the central nervous system, relieves headaches, calms the mind, manage hair fall, etc.

  • Marma therapy

    Marma chikitsa is an Ayurvedic therapy that helps to maintain health by cleansing blocked energy. Marma points are vital energy points in our body where two or more tissues meet; veins, muscles, ligaments, joints, and bones.

    Marma therapy is the procedure of stimulating the vital points of the body. Marma therapy improves physical and psychological relaxation by removing blockages from the marma points. Marma therapy helps to get relief from body paints, detoxify our body, and improve body functions like digestive capacity, immune system, respiratory system, psychological balance, etc. Marma therapy is very effective in balancing doshas by balancing body temperature.

    A gentle massage on the marma points with medicated oils has positive effects on the body. Marma therapy usually takes 30-60 minutes to complete.

  • Cupping therapy

    Cupping therapy is another type of massage practised in Ayurveda from ancient days onwards. Here the therapist places cups on the skin of patients to create suction. Cups may be of different materials such as glass, bamboo, etc. Cupping therapy can manage various illnesses.

  • The therapist places herbs, alcohol, or paper in the cup. Then he allows air inside the cup for burning. This process generates a vacuum. As a result, it creates suction. Cupping therapy helps to remove muscle tensions and improves lymphatic circulation.
  • Pizhichil (squeezing)

    Pizhichil is a unique treatment you can explore in Kerala. Pizhichil enhances blood circulation and immunity, expels body toxins, and treats paralysis, arthritis, neurological disorders, etc. In this, a special linen cloth is dipped into warm Kuzhambu, or a medicated oil mixture, and squeezed over the disease-affected areas of the patient. The patient has to adopt different postures to cover all points in the body in the treatment.

Abhyanga ( Ayurveda massage) has immense health benefits for the whole body. Kerala is considered one of the top destinations in the world to undergo Ayurvedic therapies. Abhyanga can start after the consultation with an expert Ayurvedic practitioner. Ayurvedic massages include shiroabhyanga, marma therapy, pizhichil, cupping therapy, and Garshana massage.

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