Symptoms Of Childhood Asthma
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Signs and symptoms of asthma in children include
- A cough that doesn’t go away.
- Coughing spells that happen often, especially during play or exercise, at night, in cold air, or while laughing or crying.
- A cough that gets worse after a viral infection.
- Less energy during play, and stopping to catch their breath during activities.
- Avoiding sports or social activities.
- Trouble sleeping because of coughing or breathing problems.
- Rapid breathing.
- Chest tightness or pain.
- Wheezing, a whistling sound when breathing in or out.
- Seesaw motions in their chest (retractions).
- Shortness of breath.
- Tight neck and chest muscles.
- Feeling weak or tired.
- Trouble eating, or grunting while eating (in infants).
In Children under 5 years of age, the most common cause of asthma-like symptoms is upper respiratory viral infections like common cold and influenza.