Benefits of Ahiphena (Afeem) Ayurvedic Herb

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Introduction of Ahiphena (Afeem)

Ahiphena, commonly known as the opium poppy or bread seed poppy, is a species of flowering plant in the family Papaveraceous. As per Ayurveda, Ahiphena is used to pacify vitiated Vata and pitta dosha. It also treats epilepsy, diarrhea, sperm problems, insomnia, etc.

Botanical Name : Papaver somniferum

Useful Parts for Ahiphena (Afeem) :

Seeds, Seed oil, Unripe capsules, Flowers, Exudate from fruit, Latex.

Names in different languages for Ahiphena (Afeem) :

English: Opium poppy, Poppy capsule
Hindi: Afim, Dukpunj, Khaskhas, Kash
Malayalam: Afium, Avin, Khashakhasha, Karappu, Kasakasa
Bengali: Aaphi, Aphim, Pasto, Past, Pashto Dheri
Gujarati: Aphina, Apphou, Khus Khus
Kannada: Afim, Aphen, Biligasgase, Gasagase,
Tamil: Abhini, Gashgashatol, Gashagasha, Kasokasa,
Telugu: Abhini, Gasagasala, Gasalu, Nallamanthu

Health benefits of Ahiphena (Afeem)

This plant has various health benefits. It is considered the best remedy to treat digestion. It keeps the digestive system healthy. It is very effective in treating insomnia, dry itching, dysentery, burning sensation, etc. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic action on the body and gives relief from joint pain, gout, and arthritis. Poppy seeds oil keeps the heart healthy and provides strength. The oil also boosts immunity and increases the body’s strength. The carbohydrate content in this herb enhances energy. It treats muscular pain effectively. It also provides relief in painful piles and tooth pain. They are rich sources of fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Diastase, lipase, and nuclease enzymes are also present in it.

Ayurvedic Medicines with Ahiphena (Afeem) as the main ingredient are the following:

Nidrodya Ras, Ashtakshari Gulika, Trivang Bhasm, Kamini Vidrawan Ras, Karpoor Ras, Dughdavati, and Ahiphenasav.

Ahiphena is an important Ayurvedic medicinal herb used for curing various ailments. The whole plant has many uses, but mainly seed, seed oil, exudate from fruit, and unripe seed capsule are used for medications. It treats digestion, insomnia, dry itching, dysentery, burning sensation, joint pain, heart attacks, muscular and other pains.