Benefits of Babchi (Bakuchi) Ayurvedic Herb
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Introduction of Babchi (Bakuchi)
Bakuchi or Babchi is a powerful skin healing herb. All parts of the Babchi plant are useful such as roots, stems, leaves, and seeds. The powdered seeds and the oil are highly effective for the skin. The Bakuchi seeds are kidney-shaped, having a bitter taste and a very unpleasant odor.
Botanical Name : Psoralea corylifolia
Useful Parts for Babchi (Bakuchi) :
Names in different languages for Babchi (Bakuchi) :
English: Psoralea seeds
Hindi: Babchi
Malayalam: Karkokil
Bengali: Habuch
Tamil: Karpokarishi
Telugu: Bavanchalu
Health benefits of Babchi (Bakuchi)
Bakuchi is an important herb that is used for its medicinal properties. Bakuchi oil is the best home remedy for the skin. Applying Bakuchi oil helps to reduce inflammatory reactions on the skin due to its anti-inflammatory property. It is also used for treating skin discoloration, hyper-pigmentation, and leucoderma. The antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties of Bakuchi promote natural color complexion and help to normalize individual skin pigmentation. According to Ayurveda, Bakuchi powder help improve hair growth and controls dandruff when applied externally due to its Keshya property.
As per Ayurveda, the Rasayana properties in Bakuchi helps to control Vitiligo spots and help shrink the white patches. Consuming Bakuchi powder with honey prevents the destruction of pigment-forming cells due to its immunomodulatory activity. Antiviral activity can be utilized to treat respiratory disorders and antioxidant properties aid in treating liver injury by avoiding additional hepatic cell damage.
The Ayurvedic medicines with Babchi (Bakuchi) as the main ingredient are the following:
Avalgujadi Lepam, Pancha Nimba Churna, Somraji oil, Khadirarishta and Mahamanjisthadi kashayam.
Bakuchi is a medicinal Ayurvedic herb. It is one of the effective home remedies for many skin problems. It is used to treat hair loss, respiratory problems, and other ailments.