Benefits of Bakul (Bakula) Ayurvedic Herb

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Introduction of Bakul (Bakula)

Bakul is an evergreen herb that belongs to the Sapotaceae family. It has been widely used in Ayurveda to cure various diseases such as diarrhea, oral diseases, headache, eyes diseases, etc. The herb is rich in medicinal properties like anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiviral, antiulcer, etc.

Botanical Name : Mimusops elengi.

Useful Parts for Bakul (Bakula) :

Flower, fruit, and bark.

Names in different languages for Bakul (Bakula) :

English: Spanish cherry.
Hindi: Moulasiri.
Tamil: Bagulam.
Malayalam: Elengi.
Telugu: Pogada chettu.
Kannada: Pagademara.
Bengali: Bakul.
Gujarati: Bolasari.

Health benefits of Bakul (Bakula)

Bakul has immense health benefits.

  • Treat fever

    The antipyretic properties of Bakul is very effective in preventing the fever.

  • Controls blood pressure

    The antihypertensive properties of Bakul control the blood pressure to normal levels.

  • Treat urinary diseases

    The diuretic properties of Bakul increases the flow of urination; hence it helps to expel body toxins and cure urinary diseases.

  • Cures headache and Sinusitis

    Administering the juice made from the flowers of Bakula through nostrils helps to get rid of headache and sinusitis.

  • Treat oral diseases

    The decoction prepared from the bark of Bakul is used for gargling to reduce oral diseases such as teeth pain, cavities, gingivitis, etc.

  • Treats effect of poison

    Applying the paste of bark over the affected area helps to reduce the poisonous effect of insect or animal bites.

Various health conditions can be effectively managed with Bakula herb like oral diseases, headache, anxiety, sinusitis, fever, urinary diseases, blood pressure, etc.