Benefits of Daruhaldi (Daruharidra) Ayurvedic Herb
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Introduction of Daruhaldi (Daruharidra)
Daru Haldi or tree turmeric is a shrub belonging to the family Berberidaceae and the genus Berberis. It is also found in high-altitude regions in the Nilgiris in South India. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine to cure different types of ailments. It is mainly beneficial for skin problems like inflammation and psoriasis and is an excellent ayurvedic herb used for eye, skin, and pitta aggravation diseases like anemia, jaundice, and pitta-Kapha aggravation disorders like diabetes. The fruit and stem of Daruharidra are widely used for their medicinal benefits. The fruit is edible and is a rich source of vitamin C. It is available in powdered form.
Botanical Name : Berberis aristata DC
Useful Parts for Daruhaldi (Daruharidra) :
Fruit and stem
Names in different languages for Daruhaldi (Daruharidra) :
English: Indian Beriberi
Hindi: Daruhaldi
Malayalam: Maramanjal
Bengali: Daruharidra
Gujarati: Daruhaldar
Kannada: Bagisutra
Tamil: Mara Manjal
Telugu: Kasturipushpa
Health benefits of Daruhaldi (Daruharidra)
Daruharidra or Daruhaldi is also called Indian barberry or Tree Turmeric. It has been used in the Ayurvedic medicine system to treat a lot of health disorders. The fruit and stem of Daruharidra are widely used for their medicinal benefits. It treats all types of skin problems, managing acne by preventing the growth of acne-causing bacteria, reducing inflammation, managing Malaria, protecting the liver and preventing liver disorders, curing diarrhea, etc.
Daruharidra is beneficial for managing blood sugar levels by increasing the metabolism of glucose and preventing the further formation of glucose. It also lowers the bad cholesterol levels in the body and helps in weight management by inhibiting the formation of fat cells in the body.
Daruhaldi's Ayurvedic characteristics also help with urinary tract infections, eye, and ear conditions, wound healing, leucorrhea, and herpes. It contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-psoriatic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antimalarial effects, among others.
Daruhaldi (Daruharidra) is a key ingredient in the preparation of the following medicines
Mahamanjishtadi Kashayam, Mahayogaraja Guggul, Dravyadi Kwath, Khadiradi Vati etc.
Daruhaldi is also known as Indian beriberi, is useful as an antipyretic, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, and antilipidemic agent. Daruharidra is mainly beneficial for skin problems like inflammation and psoriasis as it has anti-inflammatory and anti-psoriatic activity. It helps in managing acne by preventing the growth of acne-causing bacteria and reducing inflammation due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.