Benefits of Daruharidra (Barberis aristata) Ayurvedic Herb

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Introduction of Daruharidra (Barberis aristata)

Daruharidra is also known as Indian barberry. Daruharidra is a herbal plant with lots of Ayurvedic benefits that belong to the Berberidaceae family. Daruharidra is very effective in treating high cholesterol and blood sugar. The herb can be found in temperate and tropical regions like Nepal and other Himalayan regions.

Botanical Name : Barberis aristata.

Useful Parts for Daruharidra (Barberis aristata) :

Fruits and Stem.

Names in different languages for Daruharidra (Barberis aristata) :

English: Indian beriberi.
Hindi: Daru Haldi.
Malayalam: Maramanjal.
Tamil: Mara manjal.
Kannada: Bagisutra.
Telugu: Kasturipushpa.
Gujarati: Daru haldar.

Health benefits of Daruharidra (Barberis aristata)

Daruharidra is widely used in Ayurveda to treat diabetes and cholesterol. The herb is rich in antibacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetes, and anti-viral properties.

  • Prevent cancer

    Daruharidra is rich in anti-cancer properties that enable the body to fight against human colon cancer.

  • Treat diabetes

    The root of Daruharidra is rich in anti-diabetic properties that help to increase the production of sufficient insulin and prevent diabetic symptoms.

  • Cure wounds

    The anti-inflammatory properties of Daru Haridra helps in the quick healing of wounds.

  • Improves liver function

    Daruharidra is rich in hepatoprotective properties that help to improve liver function.

  • Treat dysentery

    Daruharidra is rich in appetizer properties that improve digestion and are beneficial for people who suffer from dysentery.

  • Prevents throat infection

    Gargling with Daruharidra decoction improves voice and prevents throat infection.

Ayurvedic medicines include Daruharidra (Barberis aristata) as an ingredient

  • Mahayogaraja Guggul.
  • Maha manjishtadi kashayam.
  • Khadiradi Vati.
  • Dravyadi Kwath.

Daruharidra prevents symptoms of various diseases such as dysentery, liver diseases, wounds, throat infection, diabetes, and cancer.