Benefits of Jadwar (Nirvishi) Ayurvedic Herb

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Introduction of Jadwar (Nirvishi)

Jadwar is an herb that belongs to the Ranunculaceae (buttercups) family. It is also known as "Nirvisha" or "Nirvishi." The roots are used for therapeutic benefits in Ayurveda. The presence of neuroprotective nature cures Vata disorders, including hemiplegic, facial paralysis, and convulsions. It balances Tridosha and also eliminates Ama.

Botanical Name : Delphinium denudatum

Useful Parts for Jadwar (Nirvishi) :


Names in different languages for Jadwar (Nirvishi) :

English: Delphinium, Larkspur.
Hindi: Nirvishi, Jadwar
Malayalam: Nirvasi
Gujarati: Nirvishi
Kannada: Nirvishi
Tamil: Nirbasi
Telugu: Nirvisi

The health benefits of Jadwar (Nirvishi)

The roots of this plant are very beneficial for treating ailments such as aconite poisoning, brain diseases, fungal infections, piles, and toothaches. It also treats diseases like facial palsy, insanity, mania, migraines, infantile convulsions, snake bites, scorpion stings, opium addiction, arthritis, cardiac weakness, palpitation, rheumatism, all kinds of pain, leucoderma, and improves skin complexion.

It acts as a sedative, analgesic, and brain and nervine tonic, and is recommended for various brain and nervine disorders like epilepsy, tremors, hysteria, atony, numbness, paralysis, morphine dependence, etc. The root extracts help reduce the withdrawal symptoms in people on de-addiction therapy. It is also beneficial for all types of abdominal disorders.

Ayurvedic medicines with Jadwar (Nirvishi) as the main ingredient include the following

Jawahar Mohra and Dhatri Rasayana.

Delphinium, also known as Larkspur, is a variety of Jadwar. In Ayurveda, it is used for its neuroprotective and cardioprotective properties. Ayurvedic practitioners use the roots of Jadwar (Nirvisha) for medicinal purposes. It is beneficial for Vata disorders due to its neuroprotective nature. As per Ayurveda, it treats snakebite, digitalis toxicity, and spider bites. It stimulates the appetite and clears the ama-dosha.