Benefits of Kasni (Chicory) Ayurvedic Herb

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Introduction of Kasni (Chicory)

Kasni is a perennial herb with bright blue flowers. This Ayurvedic herb belongs to the Cichorium intybus family. Kasni has been widely used in Ayurveda to treat diseases such as fever, insomnia, headache, general debility, weakness of cardiac muscles, and improves liver function.

Botanical Name : Cichorium intybus.

Useful Parts for Kasni (Chicory) :

Seeds, roots, leaves, and the whole plant.

Names in different languages for Kasni (Chicory) :

English: Chicory.
Hindi: Kasni.
Tamil: Kasinikkerai.

Health benefits of Kasni (Chicory)

Kasni has multiple health benefits.

  • Treat headache

    Applying the paste prepared from Kasni leaves over the forehead helps in the fast relief from headaches.

  • Cures skin diseases

    Kasni has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that aid in treating skin conditions.

  • Treat liver diseases

    Kasni's antioxidant action makes it particularly efficient in treating liver illnesses such as cell damage caused by free radicals.

  • Treat insomnia

    Cold infusions made from the roasted root of Kasni are beneficial in treating insomnia and improving sleep quality.

  • Prevents gallbladder stones

    Kasni's Pitta balancing property aids in gall bladder stone prevention by removing them from the body.

  • Treat indigestion

    Kasni improves the digestion process and hence improves appetite naturally.

  • Strengthening the bones

    Kasni aids in the appropriate absorption of calcium and instantly enhances bone strength.

  • Treat Osteoarthritis

    The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Kasni helps to get rid of pain and inflammation associated with Osteoarthritis.

Ayurvedic medicines that include Kasni (Chicory) as an ingredient

  • Amycure tablet.
  • Vasuliv syrup.
  • Bonnisan drops.

Kasni, the miraculous plant, can treat various diseases. Kasni can be used to treat osteoarthritis, sleeplessness, headaches, bone weakness, indigestion, gallbladder stones, skin ailments, and more.