Ayurvedic Herbs To Clean Your Lungs

Ayurvedic Remedies To Clean The Lungs photo

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Ayurvedic herbs that are effective for the well being of lungs are:

  • Cardamom

    It is an effective remedy to strengthen your lungs and improve your digestive fire.

  • Eucalyptus

    The presence of antioxidants in this herb boosts lung immunity, soothes irritated sinus passages, and fights lung congestion.

  • Pippali

    It is a powerful lung rejuvenator that helps with asthmatic conditions and eliminates toxins. It helps to clear the mucus and nasal congestion.

  • Licorice

    It is an effective remedy to protect the respiratory system. It helps to secrete healthy mucus and releases the phlegm and clears the nasal passage. It treats sore throat, cough, and other respiratory problems.

  • Holy Basil

    This sacred herb effectively removes toxins from the lungs. It has a soothing property that effectively heals dry cough, sore throat, and other respiratory problems.

  • Vasaka

    It is called vasica or Malabar nut is a popular Ayurvedic respiratory healer. It acts as a strong stimulator of the bronchial system. Thus it removes excess phlegm from the throat, clears the lungs, and treats bronchitis, tuberculosis, and other lung disorders. .

The healing properties of herbs help to treat common respiratory problems, protect the lungs from harmful toxins and pollutants, improve overall health, and boost immunity. Some of the herbs that maintain lung health are vasaka, holy basil, licorice, Pippali, and Eucalyptus.