Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Healthy Respiratory System

Ayurvedic Tips For A Healthy Respiratory System photo

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Ayurvedic home remedies that protect and strengthen your lungs and keep your respiratory system healthy are:

  • Kavala (oil pulling)

    Kavala or Gandusha is a process of gargling with oil. Usually, sesame oil is used for the process. This process cleanses the throat of phlegm, clears the sinuses, and reduces the risk of allergic reactions in the respiratory system.

  • Ayurvedic Tea

    Take 3-4 tulsi leaves, a small amount of Mulethi, and Pipali, blend and boil them in water until it is reduced to half. Strain the water in a cup and add Mishri (cane sugar). Sip the tea warm. This will cleanse the lungs and liquefy the Kapha.

  • Ghee in Nostrils

    Dip your little finger in liquid ghee and massage each nostril. Sniff deeply allowing the ghee to get inside the nasal passage. You may also lie down and pour 2-3 drops in each nostril. This helps in clearing the nasal congestion and balancing Kapha.

  • Inhaling steam

    It is an Ayurvedic process that keeps the mucosal layer healthy. You can do it at home; in 1 liter of steaming water, add 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus or peppermint oil and inhale the steam.

  • Pranayama

    Pranayama helps in increasing the capacity of the lungs and boosts your immunity to fight lung diseases. Practicing Kapalbhati helps in relieving shortness of breath, congestion in the chest and clears mucus in the air passage. Ujjayi, Shitali, and Anulom Vilom are some other Pranayama techniques that will help in keeping your lungs healthy.