Ayurvedic Tips For A Healthy Respiratory System

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Healthy Respiratory System

The human respiratory system is the network of organs and tissues that help you breathe. This system helps your body absorb oxygen from the air so your organs can work. It also cleans waste gas, such as carbon dioxide, from your blood. It includes the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. The lungs are the center of the respiratory system. This pair of organs in the chest helps oxygen enter the red cells in the blood and releases CO2 gas when we breathe out. So, they need a lot of lubrication, a balanced diet, and proper care to ensure they work well.

According to Ayurveda, the functions of Prana Vayu are responsible for the process of respiration in the human body. The channels or tracts in which Pranavayu flows are called Pranavaha Srotas. Prana Vayu is compared with atmospheric oxygen, which is necessary to carry out the vital functions of life. The external air which is inspired thru the nose is called Prana, and the body is alive with this Prana. If there is a disturbance or break in this vayu, the man will die. That is why it is called Prana Vayu. So it is important to take care of our prana vayu for a healthy respiratory system.

Ayurveda believes respiratory disorders are happening due to an imbalance of Kapha humor in the body. Aggravated Kapha-Vata stores in the respiratory tract, lungs, and sinuses. The accumulation of mucus lowers the Agni or digestive fire. If the channels of the lungs are obstructed with fat or ama, then the nourishment to the brain and mind is disturbed. Then it leads to an unhealthy respiratory system. It is more important to keep your respiratory system healthy to be able to fight harmful pollutants and deadly viruses. Here are some of the Ayurvedic remedies to boost your respiratory health.

Foods For A Healthy Respiratory System

As per Ayurveda, respiratory problems are caused by Vata and Kapha. Small changes to our diet can help us strengthen the respiratory system. The foods that balance Vata and Kapha in the body are:

  • Include carrots, avocado, ginger, beets, and pumpkin in your diet to improve lung health.
  • Consume beet, tomato, and carrot soup with ginger, cinnamon, and mint.
  • Ginger juice and basil juice with honey or boiled with soups are beneficial.
  • Consume garlic boiled with milk, with soups, or boiled in water mixed with honey.
  • The Indian gooseberry (Amla) has a high content of vitamin C. The gooseberry juice can be consumed with jaggery and mint is effective.
  • Drumsticks and their leaves are good and can be cooked in sambhar, dal, or soups.
  • Honey is most beneficial for respiratory issues and can be taken in pure form or mixed with tulsi juice, ginger juice, orange juice, amla juice, or amla powder.
  • Boiled milk with turmeric powder or pepper powder can be comforting.
  • Broccoli contains an active constituent called L-sulforaphane, which tricks the cells into switching on the anti-inflammatory genes that further avoid respiratory conditions.
  • Walnuts are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Eating a handful of them can help fight asthma and other respiratory conditions. .
  • Apples have antioxidants that help keep your lungs healthy.
  • Figs are believed to drain the phlegm. So have it regularly after soaking in water overnight.
  • Avoid foods that create more phlegm. It includes too much dry food, processed food, fried and heavy food.
  • Any fermented food should be avoided in the evening and at night. Curd should be avoided at night. .
  • Avoid the combination of rice and curd which causes Asthma.
  • Avoid cold drinks, ice cream, or anything cold directly from the refrigerator especially in winters.

Lifestyle Changes

  • Stop smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke.
  • Avoid indoor and outdoor air pollution.
  • Avoid exposure to people who have the flu or other viral infections.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is important to keep your lungs healthy.
  • Wash hands regularly to avoid infections.
  • Doing breathing exercises can benefit your respiratory health as well.
  • Timely consultation with physicians to maintain wellness.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Healthy Respiratory System

Ayurvedic home remedies that protect and strengthen your lungs and keep your respiratory system healthy are:

  • Kavala (oil pulling)

    Kavala or Gandusha is a process of gargling with oil. Usually, sesame oil is used for the process. This process cleanses the throat of phlegm, clears the sinuses, and reduces the risk of allergic reactions in the respiratory system.

  • Ayurvedic Tea

    Take 3-4 tulsi leaves, a small amount of Mulethi, and Pipali, blend and boil them in water until it is reduced to half. Strain the water in a cup and add Mishri (cane sugar). Sip the tea warm. This will cleanse the lungs and liquefy the Kapha.

  • Ghee in Nostrils

    Dip your little finger in liquid ghee and massage each nostril. Sniff deeply allowing the ghee to get inside the nasal passage. You may also lie down and pour 2-3 drops in each nostril. This helps in clearing the nasal congestion and balancing Kapha.

  • Inhaling steam

    It is an Ayurvedic process that keeps the mucosal layer healthy. You can do it at home; in 1 liter of steaming water, add 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus or peppermint oil and inhale the steam.

  • Pranayama

    Pranayama helps in increasing the capacity of the lungs and boosts your immunity to fight lung diseases. Practicing Kapalbhati helps in relieving shortness of breath, congestion in the chest and clears mucus in the air passage. Ujjayi, Shitali, and Anulom Vilom are some other Pranayama techniques that will help in keeping your lungs healthy.

Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies For Healthy Respiratory System

Ayurveda has many amazing herbs that can do wonders to boost your respiratory health. Some of them are as follow:

  • Pippali

    Pippali, or long pepper, is an effective remedy for treating common respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cough, and cold symptoms. All these are caused due to aggravated Kapha dosha. It can reduce irritation, lessen inflammation, provide relief from cough and congestion, and help in removing phlegm deposits from the respiratory tract. Boil a few Pippali in half a glass of milk and drink this herbal medicine to get relief from respiratory problems.

  • Licorice

    Licorice is an excellent remedy to treat a variety of respiratory problems. It treats sore throats and colds effectively. Licorice root protects respiratory mucus membranes with a coating of carbohydrate slime. Oral doses of licorice lubricate the lung lining by reflex action. .

  • Kalmegh

    Kalmegh root and leaf are the best remedies in Ayurveda for treating several respiratory ailments. The presence of anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, antioxidant, and immune-stimulatory properties helps to treat fever, common colds, coughs, flu, and upper respiratory infections. Kalmegh has a bitter taste, so it is usually taken with some sweetener or in diluted form.

  • Vasaka

    Vasaka leaf, also known as Malabar nut in English, is a popular Ayurvedic herb used for treating colds, coughs, chronic bronchitis, and asthma. Due to its anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and expectorant properties, it reduces chest and nasal congestion, removes excess sputum, and stops nasal discharge. It also helps clear the lungs and treats bronchitis, tuberculosis, and other lung disorders. To prepare a decoction of Vasaka leaves, boil the leaves in water and add a spoon of honey to it. Drink this Ayurvedic formulation daily to prevent respiratory infections and to get relief from coughs and other symptoms of colds.

  • Triphala

    Triphala, an Ayurvedic combination of the fruits Amalaki, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki, is an effective remedy to treat different respiratory problems. The synergistic effect of these three ingredients has a unique potential to detoxify and rejuvenate the body. Amla or Indian gooseberry has a cooling effect and promotes liver function and boosts immunity. Bibhitaki promotes the normal functioning of the respiratory system and cleanses the lungs. Haritaki detoxifies the body and helps in losing weight.

  • Sitopaladi

    It nourishes lung tissues to provide lung support and healthy respiration. It may help promote normal lung movements, support the air passages and pulmonary performance. It also lubricates passageways to maintain moist Vata.

  • Talisadi

    It acts as a rejuvenator for the whole body, especially the respiratory and digestive systems. Talisadi has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and expectorant properties. It also treats the common cold, sore throat, cough, chest and nasal congestion, and flu symptoms.

The Ayurvedic herbs that help to boost your respiratory health are Talisadi, Sitopaladi, Triphala, Vasaka, Kalmegh,licorice,and Pippali.


The above-mentioned information related to Ayurvedic tips for healthy respiration is taken from various Ayurvedic resources. Always consult with your Ayurveda doctor before starting self-medication.

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