Ayurvedic Home Remedies

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Here are some Ayurvedic home remedies that could help in reducing the symptoms of asthma and controlling the frequency of asthma attacks.

  • Ginger and Garlic Cloves

    Ginger is one of the most trusted herbs when it comes to dealing with inflammation. Half a cup of Ginger tea mixed with 2-3 crushed garlic cloves could prove to be an effective remedy to release the Kapha accumulation in the airways, thereby preventing asthmatic attacks.

  • Ginger and Turmeric Powder

    Boil a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger in a glass of milk and add 1/2 teaspoon of Turmeric powder to it. If taken twice a day, this ayurvedic remedy could reduce the frequency of asthma attacks.

  • Cinnamon and Honey

    Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/4th teaspoon trikatu into a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes and add 1 teaspoon of honey before drinking. Take this twice a day for maximum benefits.

  • Licorice and Ginger

    Licorice is also loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking a tea made with half teaspoon licorice and half teaspoon of ginger for managing asthma and its symptoms.

  • Bay leaf

    Half teaspoon of bay leaf and 1/4th teaspoon of pippali mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey taken two to three times a day may also help prevent chronic symptoms of asthma.

  • Turmeric

    A teaspoonful of turmeric powder with a glass of milk if taken empty stomach, two or three times a day is very effective in the treatment.

  • Bitter Gourd Root

    A teaspoon of the root paste, mixed with an equal amount of honey or juice of the holy basil, is an excellent expectorant and is a remedy for asthma.

  • Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

    Five grams of gooseberry fruit or dry powder mixed with one tablespoonful of honey, forms an effective medicinal expectorant and tonic. Taking it every morning is recommended.

  • Mustard Oil

    During the attack, mustard oil mixed with a little camphor should be massaged over the chest. This will loosen up the phlegm and ease breathing.