Different Types Of Asthma

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According to the ancient Ayurvedic text, the Charak Samhita, there are five types of asthma: Maha Shwasa, Urdhva Shwasa, Chinna Shwasa, Tamaka Shwasa, and Ksudra Shwasa. Among these five types, the first three are not curable. ‘Tamak-shwasa is controllable and is difficult to cure. The last one is curable.

  • Maha Shwasa (Major Dyspnoea)

    This type of shwasa is marked by strenuous, painful inspiration with loud noises or sounds that are audible. Due to the vitiated Vayu moving haphazardly blocking the channels in the body, the person breathes in with difficulty throughout the day and night.

  • Urdhva Shwasa (Expiratory Dyspnoea)

    This is a type of shwasa in which there is an imbalance between the process of inhaling and exhaling air. The Kapha blocks the channels. As a result, the Vayu gets aggravated and causes Urdhva Svasa.

  • Chinna Shwasa (chine stroke breathing)

    This type of swasa manifests with the obstructed type of breathing which is severely distressing and painful. When all the prana(life elements)have been blocked and choked in the body due to obstruction of channels, the person interruptedly in splits and parcels.

  • Tamaka Shwasa (Bronchial Asthma)

    As per the Ayurveda Bronchial Asthma is Vata Kaphaja disease, it begins in the stomach, progresses to the lungs and bronchi. It leads to recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, tightness of the chest, and cough particularly at night or early morning. Hence treatment aims to move the excess Kapha back to the stomach and then eliminate it.

  • Kshudra Shwasa (Minor Dyspnoea)

    This type of shwasa is characterized by short spells of dyspnoea which is not troublesome. It is generally an accompaniment of strenuous exercises and will pacify after a brief span of rest. The main cause of this type of asthma is the consumption of dry foods (ruksha ahara) or exercise or physical activities.(aayasa)It affects the upper channels of respiration and causes kshudra shwasa.