Ayurvedic Medicines For Jaundice

Different Ayurvedic Methods To Treat Jaundice photo

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The best 5 Ayurvedic medicine for jaundice are as follow:

  • Arogyavardhini Ras

    It is an effective remedy in liver disorders, anorexia, and other conditions. It is also helpful in combating loss of appetite and skin diseases.

  • Forestica Syrup

    This is an ayurvedic liver tonic effective in the treatment of jaundice. It tones up the liver and helps in removing bilirubin from the blood. It is indicated in the treatment of jaundice of any type. .

  • Kalamegha Plus

    Kalamegha Plus is another important ayurvedic herbal formulation. It is a potent remedy for liver and intestinal disorders. It effectively rectifies the lack of appetite, cures fever, and purifies the blood. This makes it an effective remedy for Jaundice. .

  • Livomyn Tablets

    It is an ayurvedic herbal medicine prepared with herbs like Bhumyamalaki, Punarnava, Kasani, Bhringraj, and Kalmegh. These ingredients protect the liver from harmful toxins and help it function better. .

  • Amlycure D.S

    It is a liver corrective and hepatoprotective medicine. It is a blend of 32 potent herbs which gives a synergistic effect in correcting liver-related issues. It accelerates damaged cell repair, protects liver cells from the damage caused by toxins, aids in proper digestion.

Some of the Ayurvedic medicines used for the treatment of jaundice are Arogyavardhini Ras, Forestica Syrup, Kalamegha Plus, Livomyn Tablets, and Amlycure D.S.