Ayurvedic Treatment For Allergic Rhinitis

Ayurvedic Solutions To Cure Allergic Rhinitis photo

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Ayurveda recommends the treatment for Allergic Rhinitis includes:

  • Nidana Parivartana

    In Ayurveda, Nidana Parivarjana or avoiding the cause is considered as the first line of treatment in most diseases. This treatment is specifically indicated in the management of diseases caused due to microorganisms. So it also treats Allergic Rhinitis.

  • Shodhana

    Shodhana is the detoxification of the body to prevent disease. Toxins cause Allergic Rhinitis to accumulate inside the human body due to a variety of factors, and this treatment aids in their removal via the excretory system.

  • Shamana

    Shamana revitalizes the body by treating imbalances and neutralizing impurities that remain after detoxification. It is a healing treatment. Shamana can be an external treatment like application of herbal pastes, showering or sprinkling with medicinal liquids, tub bath in medicinal liquids, herbal oil massage, oil pooling over the head, oral rinsing, gargling, oil pulling, etc.

  • Rejuvenation or Rasayana Therapy

    Rasayana is an Ayurvedic rejuvenation therapy that helps in the maintenance and promotion of health. Ayurveda describes Naimittika Rasayana as an effective one to reduce the symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis. Some of the suggested Naimittika Rasayanas to be used for prevention and treatment of Allergic Rhinitis are Chyawanprash Rasayana, Chitraka Haritaki Rasayana, Agastya Haritaki Rasayana, Vyaghri Haritaki Rasayana, Vasa Awaleha, etc.

  • Snehana

    Snehana, or Oleation Therapy, is one of the most important therapies that involve the application of medicated oils, ghee, and herbs to the body internally and externally for three to seven days. Oleation therapy is performed before any purificatory therapies such as Vamana (emesis), Virecana (purgation), or Vasti (enema).

  • Swedana

    According to Ayurveda, Swedana is an ayurvedic therapy that means sweating. Swedana helps to balance the Vata and Kapha doshas in the body. It opens up the capillaries of the body and through perspiration, and thus surface toxins are released. .

  • Dhumapana

    Dhumapana is an Ayurvedic herbal smoke inhalation procedure. During the Ayurvedic Dhoompana treatment, the smoke of medicated herbs smeared with ghee or oil is inhaled through the nostrils and mouth to treat various respiratory tract ailments.

  • Vamana

    Vamana is one of the five therapies of Panchakarma in Ayurveda. Vamana means therapeutic vomiting which is a medicated emesis. This treatment is done for the aggravated Kapha dosha, which dislodges the toxins mainly from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. This therapy is very effective for the treatment of Allergic Rhinitis.

  • Vasti

    Vasti (Enema) treatments are effective in removing Vata-based toxins from the body. This treatment should be done under the guidance of an expert Ayurveda doctor and all kinds of Vata disorders are eliminated with the proper use of Vasti. It has the power to remove toxins from the human body. .

  • Nasya

    Nasya treatment refers to an Ayurvedic therapy that includes the installation of herbal oils, juices, or powders through the nasal route. It is one of the purificatory therapies for Allergic Rhinitis. .

The different ayurvedic treatments to cure the symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis are Nidana Parivartan, Shodhana, Shamana, Rasayana Therapy, Snehana, Swedana, Dhumapana, Vamana, Vasti, and Nasya.