Herbal Remedies To Cure Allergic Rhinitis

Ayurvedic Solutions To Cure Allergic Rhinitis photo

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  • Haridra (Curcuma longa)

    Haridra commonly known as turmeric has shown good effect in treating Allergic Rhinitis. It contains properties like antiallergic, antioxidant, antimicrobial actions. It can be used to pacify Kapha and pitta dosha and can be used against allergic reactions induced by the imbalance of these doshas. .

  • Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)

    Due to its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties give good relief in allergic rhinitis. It helps in expelling out phlegm from the throat. The presence of eugenol, cineole, and camphene in tulsi leaves helps in relieving the congestion.

  • Shati (Hedychium spicatum)

    Shati is a plant mentioned in Ayurveda for the treatment of swelling, diseases of the oral cavity, alopecia, sinusitis, diseases of the respiratory tract, and indigestion. It has properties like aromatic, acidic, bitter, pungent, carminative, stomachic, stimulant, expectorant, anti-asthmatic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory. So it also treats Allergic Rhinitis.

  • Shirisha (Albizia lebbeck)

    It is mainly used in allergic conditions such as allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, urticaria, etc. Albizia can also help reduce sensitivity, and lower levels of allergy-inducing antibodies and specific white blood cells involved in the immune response.

  • Pushkaramula (Inula Racemosa)

    It is an effective herbal treatment of Allergic Rhinitis. It shows Antiallergic and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains various chemical constituents. So it effectively treats various allergic conditions.

  • Vasa (Adhatoda vasica)

    Vasa commonly known as Malabar nut is an important herb used in Ayurveda. It has a cold potency. It is used to treat diseases caused by Vata dosha and removes Kapha, pitta, and Rakta dosha.

  • Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum)

    The antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory actions of Kantakari help to treat different types of allergens. Hence it can effectively be used in allergic rhinitis.

  • Madhuyashti (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

    Madhuyashti or Liquorice is used in the treatment of various health disorders. It acts as a good expectorant, expels phlegm from the lungs, and heals respiratory diseases.

  • Bharangi (Clerodendron serratum)

    It is one of the common herbs used in the treatment of common cold, chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, cough, and other chronic respiratory disorders. It contains anti-allergic and analgesic properties. So it can be effectively used in inflammatory conditions.

The herbal remedies that are effectively used for the treatment of Allergic Rhinitis are turmeric, tulsi, Shati, Shirish, Pushkaramula, vasa, Kantakari, Madhuyashti, and Bharangi.