Ayurvedic Treatment For Dyspepsia

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The Ayurvedic treatments to heal indigestion are:
- Nidana Parivarjana
In Ayurveda, Nidana Parivarjana or avoiding the cause is considered as the first line of treatment in most diseases. Indigestion can also be treated with Nidana Parivarjana.
- Sarvanga Swedana
Sarvanga Swedana, or body sudation, is a common Ayurvedic Panchakarma Therapy procedure. It is a process that stimulates the sweat glands, causing increased perspiration and circulation. It cleanses the body of vitiated Vata and Kapha doshas and aids in the relief of pain, stiffness, heaviness, and coldness. Vidhagdhajirna is effectively healed by this treatment.
- Langhana
It is a type of fasting, considered as the first line of treatment for all types of indigestion. Skip the meal if you feel your previous food is not digested and eat only when you feel hungry.
- Deepana and Panchana
Pachana and Deepana procedures help in enhancing the digestive fire (Agni), clears the channels, increases the absorptive capacity of the body.
- Shodhana Chikitsa
Shodhana Chikitsa refers to any Ayurvedic cleansing therapy used to remove excess doshas and ama (toxins) from the body.
- Shodhana Chikitsa also improves digestion and circulation, boosting immunity, eradicating disease, restoring dosha balance, and increasing energy levels. As a result, the treatment effectively helps with indigestion.
- Shamana chikitsa
Shamana is specially done after the Shodhana therapy and is used to treat mild conditions or mild imbalances of the doshas. Ayurvedic medicines are used internally and externally to manage the symptoms and cause of the disease through balancing the equilibrium of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, and Agni and also to increase immunity.
- Virechana
Virechana is a purification therapy to detox the body and mind and is one of the five sacred, healing therapies of the Panchakarma. Herbs used for Virechana aim at cleansing the sweat glands, small intestine, colon, stomach, liver, and spleen. It ejects the toxins and excess mucus from the GI tract and improves digestion.
The main Ayurvedic treatments for dyspepsia are Nidana Parivarjana, Sarvanga Swedana, Langhana, Deepana and Panchana, Shodhana Chikitsa, Shamana chikitsa, and Virechana.