Types Of Dyspepsia Or Indigestion

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According to the predominance of vitiated dosha Ajirna can be classified into 5 types. They are as follow:
- Amajirna
It occurs due to the vitiation of Kapha dosha, which is characterized by the heaviness of the abdomen or the whole body, nausea, swelling of the cheeks and eyes, belching, etc.
- Vidagadhjirna
It is happening due to vitiated pitta dosha. The symptoms of Vidagdhajirna are giddiness, thirst, fainting, sour and hot belching, excessive perspiration, and burning sensation inside the body.
- Vishtabdhajirna
This type of Ajirna is caused by vitiated Vata dosha, which shows symptoms like pricking pain in the abdomen, colic, flatulence, obstruction of stool, delusion, and general malaise. .
- Vilambika
It is caused due to vitiation of Kapha and Vata along with the accumulation of ama. A person suffering from this condition feels very lazy and uncomfortable in the chest region.
- Rasa Shisha Ajirna
This is caused due to heavy and late-night dinner. If you have Rasa Sesha Ajirna you will feel that the food consumed last night is not digested when you wake up in the morning.
Different types of Ajirna or Indigestion described by Ayurveda are Amajirna, Vidagadhjirna, Vishtabdhajirna, Vilambika, and Rasa Sesha Ajirna.