How Ayurveda Helps To Heal Dyspepsia Or Indigestion

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Dyspepsia or Indigestion refers to an inability to digest food. If you have Dyspepsia you feel discomfort in the upper abdomen, feeling of fullness soon after eating.
Ayurveda defines indigestion as Ajirna, which means a state of incomplete process of digestion of ingested food. The reason for indigestion is Agnimandya or weakened digestive fire. If we have a weak digestive fire the process of metabolism doesn’t run smoothly. Thus the undigested food leads to Ajirna. Ayurveda emphasizes that if you are not following dietary guidelines and eat food without self-control you must catch Ajirna (Indigestion). This condition leads to the chances of other types of ailments also. So Ayurveda suggests some Ayurvedic treatments, diet and lifestyle changes, and some herbal remedies to remove the symptoms of Dyspepsia.
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Types Of Dyspepsia Or Indigestion
According to the predominance of vitiated dosha Ajirna can be classified into 5 types. They are as follow:
- Amajirna
It occurs due to the vitiation of Kapha dosha, which is characterized by the heaviness of the abdomen or the whole body, nausea, swelling of the cheeks and eyes, belching, etc.
- Vidagadhjirna
It is happening due to vitiated pitta dosha. The symptoms of Vidagdhajirna are giddiness, thirst, fainting, sour and hot belching, excessive perspiration, and burning sensation inside the body.
- Vishtabdhajirna
This type of Ajirna is caused by vitiated Vata dosha, which shows symptoms like pricking pain in the abdomen, colic, flatulence, obstruction of stool, delusion, and general malaise. .
- Vilambika
It is caused due to vitiation of Kapha and Vata along with the accumulation of ama. A person suffering from this condition feels very lazy and uncomfortable in the chest region.
- Rasa Shisha Ajirna
This is caused due to heavy and late-night dinner. If you have Rasa Sesha Ajirna you will feel that the food consumed last night is not digested when you wake up in the morning.
Different types of Ajirna or Indigestion described by Ayurveda are Amajirna, Vidagadhjirna, Vishtabdhajirna, Vilambika, and Rasa Sesha Ajirna.
Symptoms Of Indigestion
Some of the symptoms of indigestion include –
- Chest Pain or burning sensation in the upper abdomen.
- Feeling of fullness during a meal despite having consumed less food.
- Uncomfortable fullness after a meal.
- Nausea, heartburn, bloating, and belching.
- Regurgitation, vomiting (occasionally).
- Heaviness in the body.
- Headache and body ache.
- Thirstiness.
- Loss of taste. .
- Loss of appetite.
Causes Of Indigestion
Some of the common causes include:
- Overeating or eating too quickly.
- Eating heavy meals.
- Taking too much fatty or greasy or spicy foods.
- Anxiety or stress like exams.
- Excess consumption of carbonated or fizzy drinks.
- Take antibiotics or iron supplements.
- Gastric infection or gastritis.
- Peptic ulcers.
- Constipation.
- Celiac disease.
Ayurvedic Treatment For Dyspepsia
The Ayurvedic treatments to heal indigestion are:
- Nidana Parivarjana
In Ayurveda, Nidana Parivarjana or avoiding the cause is considered as the first line of treatment in most diseases. Indigestion can also be treated with Nidana Parivarjana.
- Sarvanga Swedana
Sarvanga Swedana, or body sudation, is a common Ayurvedic Panchakarma Therapy procedure. It is a process that stimulates the sweat glands, causing increased perspiration and circulation. It cleanses the body of vitiated Vata and Kapha doshas and aids in the relief of pain, stiffness, heaviness, and coldness. Vidhagdhajirna is effectively healed by this treatment.
- Langhana
It is a type of fasting, considered as the first line of treatment for all types of indigestion. Skip the meal if you feel your previous food is not digested and eat only when you feel hungry.
- Deepana and Panchana
Pachana and Deepana procedures help in enhancing the digestive fire (Agni), clears the channels, increases the absorptive capacity of the body.
- Shodhana Chikitsa
Shodhana Chikitsa refers to any Ayurvedic cleansing therapy used to remove excess doshas and ama (toxins) from the body.
- Shodhana Chikitsa also improves digestion and circulation, boosting immunity, eradicating disease, restoring dosha balance, and increasing energy levels. As a result, the treatment effectively helps with indigestion.
- Shamana chikitsa
Shamana is specially done after the Shodhana therapy and is used to treat mild conditions or mild imbalances of the doshas. Ayurvedic medicines are used internally and externally to manage the symptoms and cause of the disease through balancing the equilibrium of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, and Agni and also to increase immunity.
- Virechana
Virechana is a purification therapy to detox the body and mind and is one of the five sacred, healing therapies of the Panchakarma. Herbs used for Virechana aim at cleansing the sweat glands, small intestine, colon, stomach, liver, and spleen. It ejects the toxins and excess mucus from the GI tract and improves digestion.
The main Ayurvedic treatments for dyspepsia are Nidana Parivarjana, Sarvanga Swedana, Langhana, Deepana and Panchana, Shodhana Chikitsa, Shamana chikitsa, and Virechana.
Diet And Lifestyle Modifications (Aahar And Vihar)
Ayurvedic management of Ajirna aims to follow a simple diet and lifestyle changes along with herbs to bring back the balance in dosha and thereby strengthen the digestion process.
The main diet recommendations are:
- Include herbs such as ginger, coriander seeds, pepper, ajwain, Saunf in the diet. .
- Avoid foods that trigger indigestion such as oily and spicy foods.
- Take small, nutritious meals such as mung daal for khichdi.
- Give five or six small meals per day for children instead of three large meals.
- Increase amounts of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy snacks in your diet.
- Reduce or eliminate caffeine-containing fizzy drinks.
- Avoid black gram, chickpeas.
- Consume Warm Lime Water mixed with a few drops of ginger juice.
Lifestyle changes that may be helpful to stop indigestion are:
- The diet should be light and easily digestible.
- Regular Use of Ghee improves the digestive system. Avoid intense oily food, heavy, spicy, hot, and salty foods.
- Must use Digestive and carminative spices like cumin, pepper, ginger, asafoetida, etc in your diet.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.
- It is not good to use curd regularly in your diet.
- Food should be taken only after one feels hungry.
- Sipping hot water at intervals helps in increasing digestion.
- Avoid excessive cold beverages and food.
- Foods that are old or refrigerated should not be consumed.
- Avoid day sleep.
- A regular and mild exercise helps to increase digestion.
- Practicing yoga regularly helps to regulate digestion and bowel movements.
Natural Remedies To Cure Dyspepsia (Indigestion)
Some of the natural remedies that have a powerful effect to heal indigestion are:
- Ginger
Ginger is rich in antioxidants and chemicals that have a lot of health benefits. Ginger carminative property, it helps to promote the elimination of excess gas from the digestive system, and thus relax the intestinal tract. So it effectively treats Colic and dyspepsia. The powder of dried ginger should be taken twice a day with warm water to relieve the condition.
- Fennel
The presence of antioxidative properties in fennel and effectively reduces gas and bloating. When suffering from indigestion, you can drink fennel tea or take one-half teaspoon of fennel seed powder along with water two times a day. Also, try chewing and swallowing a spoonful of fennel seeds to stop indigestion.
- Baking Soda
Baking soda can quickly neutralize stomach acid and relieve indigestion, bloating, and gas after eating. For this remedy, add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to 4 ounces of warm water and drink. It is generally safe and nontoxic.
- Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar aids the production of stomach acid and digestive enzymes. It may also help to alleviate gas pain quickly. Drink a mixture of ½ a cup of water and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to help your body digest food after meals.
- Hot Water
Drinking plain hot water is an effective remedy to prevent indigestion. Hot water breaks down food faster and supports healthy bowel movements. It also expands the blood vessels, which improves circulation. Thus it reduces gas and bloating.
- Licorice
Licorice contains substances that coat the lining of the stomach, helping prevent inflammation. This coating can help soothe stomach pain and indigestion.
- Peppermint
This Ayurvedic herb contains Soothing and cooling properties. So it effectively treats the problem of indigestion and stomach upset. You can also take peppermint oil capsules between meals. It also heals the symptoms of dyspepsia such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), heartburn, etc.
- Chamomile
It is an excellent remedy for indigestion. It also helps to calm the stomach and soothe spasms in the intestinal tract. Chamomile tea is preferable to cure dyspepsia.
Some of the natural remedies that provide good relief to indigestion are ginger, fennel, baking soda, Apple Cider Vinegar, hot water, Licorice, Peppermint, and Chamomile.
All the information related to Indigestion or dyspepsia is based on various Ayurvedic resources. Always prefer the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor before self-medication.