Benefits Of Chinchadi Thailam
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- The active ingredients in the recipe offer unique therapeutic properties that assist in relieving the primary cause while also lowering inflammation and pain in the affected area. As a result, it helps to reduce rheumatism-related illnesses.
- It has been used on the outside of the body to alleviate pain and sprain injuries.
- Chinchadi Thailam also treats Vata illnesses such as arthritis, paralysis, and other neurological problems.
- Abhyanga (massage therapy), Dhara, and other Ayurvedic remedies use it. .
- Pain and inflammation of joints, stiffness and limited movement of joints, circulatory disorders are treated with external application of this oil.
- Samudra Lavana, also known as common salt, is actively used by the Chinchadi Taila to help balance electrolytes in the body, which helps to reduce muscle spasms.