Causes Of Eye Fatigue

Ayurveda Treatment And Home Remedies For Eye Strain Or Fatigue photo

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  • Incompatible food: When you eat spicier, salty, and sour foods it causes aggravated pitta and leads to eye strain.
  • Delayed sleep: Late-night works, contemplating electronic devices for long, lack of proper sleep, etc leads to eye fatigue.
  • Suppression of natural urges: If you can't control sleep and your emotions in a balanced way, leads to eye irritation.
  • Anger, grief and fear: Anger stimulates Pitta dosha and grief and fear stimulates Vata dosha. The dosha disproportions give endeavours to eye muscles.
  • Environmental imbalances: Cold temperatures and dry air cause dehydration of the eyes that leads to swelling, red eyes, pain, blurred vision, and sometimes teary eyes

Eye fatigue arises due to prolonged screen time, our food habits, environmental changes, and pitta imbalances