Remedies For Eye Irritation

Ayurveda Treatment And Home Remedies For Eye Strain Or Fatigue photo

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  • Eye Circles: Take a small quantity of coconut oil in your finger and slowly circle your fingertip from your inner eye crease up under your eyebrow around the outer eye and back to the inner eye. Repeat it 4-5 times.
  • Massage: One of the best remedies to reduce eye strain is applying a spoon of castor oil on your scalp and feet before going to bed, which offers sound sleep and reduces eye strain.
  • Palming: Palming is one of the best ways to relax your eyes. How to do palming is rub your palms together for few seconds to get warm and gently place it over your eyes. Tilt your head forward and rest your elbows on your knees. You can do it 5 to 10 times a day. 
  • Relax and meditate: Meditation and relaxation are some of the best remedies to reduce eye irritation. Meditation heals your eyes by increasing energy inflow to the eyes and reduces energetic blockages affecting your eyes, hence improves energy.
  • Bedtime eye drops: When your eyes are dry or itchy, it is good to apply a drop of unrefined sesame oil in each eye just before you go to sleep. And for irritated eyes, applying a drop of castor oil in each eye before bedtime is recommended.
  • Blink More: Blinking your eyes more when you are working on the screen to relax. Or, look at the greenery around you to make your eyes fresh.
  • Rose Water: Using rose water-soaked cotton and placing it over your eyes makes your eyes more relax after a heavy workday.
  • Savasana with an eye bag: Recline on your back in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and place a clean eye pillow on your face covering both eyes. Breathe easily and spend 10 minutes in quite dark.
  • Frequent eye washing: Ayurveda says frequent eye washing in pure water helps to remove toxins and helps in eye clearing. Also, it helps to balance aggravated pitta.
  • Application of Ayurvedic Kajal: Applying Ayurvedic kajal is the best technique to cool your eyes and strengthen your vision. 
  • Night Gazing: Ayurveda suggests looking at the sky during nights gives energy and nourishes your eyes.
  • Reduce screen time and bright lights: When you look at the screen with intense brightness leads to fatigue in the eyes. So if you are working more on-screen, keep the brightness at a low level.

Ayurveda suggests various remedies to reduce eye irritation like the blinking of eyes, frequent eye washing, rose water washing, meditation, reduce screen time, etc.