Causes Of Gastritis

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Gastritis may develop due to various reasons. Major among them are:

  • Unhealthy eating habits

    Overeating, wrong combinations of foods, alcohol consumption, excessive intake of sweet, sour, and spicy foods, excessive intake of coffee and tea, etc. causes the development of gastritis. .

  • Medications

    Regular use of certain medicines like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used for relieving chronic pain disturbs stomach lining.

  • Bacterial infections

    Bacterial infections disturb the protective lining of the stomach and cause inflammation. The major bacteria that causes gastritis is Helicobacter pylori. .

  • Older age

    Gastritis symptoms may occur more in older people than younger ones due to the thin nature of stomach lining when getting older. The main reasons are autoimmune disorders during older age.

  • Stress and anxiety

    Stress affects the ability of the body's proper functioning. Stress due to a severe illness, major surgery, or severe infections can cause gastritis. .

  • Bile reflux

    Gastritis may develop due to bile reflux. Bile reflux is a condition in which the bile flows back into the stomach instead of moving through the small intestine. Bile is a digestive factor produced by the liver. .

Unhealthy eating habits, poor lifestyle, bile reflux, bacterial infections, stress, old age, certain medications, etc are the general reasons for the development of gastritis.