Herbal Remedies For Hemorrhoids Or Piles

Ayurvedic Management Of Hemorrhoids Or Piles photo

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As per Ayurveda, piles can be treated with the help of some powerful herbs. They can balance the doshas in the body and treat the root cause of the problem. Some of them are following:

  • Haritaki

    Haritaki is a fruit that can balance the three doshas in the body. It helps to improve digestion and helps in detoxifying the body. So it is considered an important ayurvedic herb for the treatment of piles.

  • Avipattikar Churna

    It treats piles and other digestive problems effectively. It is used to treat imbalances in the dosha and, in turn, promote healing from piles.

  • Amalaki

    Amalaki, also known as Indian gooseberry is a common Ayurvedic medicine to balance all three Doshas. It acts as an antioxidant, immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory, astringent, and laxative. So it treats piles effectively.

  • Guggul

    Guggul is known for its anti-inflammatory properties in Ayurveda. It reduces the inflammation caused by piles. The presence of laxative and astringent agents helps in reducing the toxins and relieves pain and itching. It also balances Kapha Dosha.

  • Turmeric

    Due to its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, helps in controlling bleeding in hemorrhoids. It also reduces anal itching and shrinks hemorrhoids. Ayurveda suggests Turmeric because it can strengthen the digestive fire and help in balancing the doshas.

  • Triphala

    It acts as a mild laxative and allows the deepest tissues and organs of the body to release toxins. The cleansing property in Triphala enhances absorption and balances the doshas in the body.

The effective Ayurvedic herbs that reduce the symptoms associated with piles are Haritaki, Avipattikar Churna, Amalaki, Guggul, Turmeric, and Triphala.