Herbal Remedies To Prevent Threatened Abortion

Ayurvedic Approach In Controlling Threatened Abortion photo

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Herbal solutions are natural and always easy to follow.

  • Ashoka

    Ashoka is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants which improves the overall health of the mother.

  • Shatavari

    Shatavari is rich in antioxidants and strengthens the uterus.

  • Bala

    Bala is rich in rejuvenating properties that will improve the immune system of pregnant women.

  • Shalmali

    Shalmali herbal extract can be used during pregnancy to get rid of vitiation of Vata and Pitta doshas.

  • Lajjalu

    The herb Lajjalu is very popular in treating dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

  • Japa

    Japa herbal powder is very effective in treating various reproductive problems of women.

  • Durva

    Durva grass has a lot of health benefits like that controls sugar, improves immunity, controls acidity, etc.

Various herbs that can be consumed during pregnancy under the supervision of an Ayurvedic practitioner are Durva, Japa, Lajjalu, Shalmali, Ashoka, Shatavari, Bala, etc.