How To Manage Coronary Heart Disease Through Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Way Of Managing Coronary Heart Diseases (CHD) photo

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Ayurveda is an ancient and holistic approach that aims to provide better treatment by incorporating diet, meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, and herbs-for patients with established coronary heart disease. Some of the treatment modalities include panchakarma, external therapies, internal medications, Activities, Advice of food and lifestyle changes, etc.

  • Panchakarma

    These treatments include Virechana, Basti, etc. Virechana Karma is effective in reducing triglycerides level, whereas Lekhana Basti is effective in reducing the cholesterol level in particular.

  • Externally

    External treatments are Abhyanga, Shiro Dhara, Hrid Basti, etc.

  • Internally

    These treatments include the Herbs which regulates the blood flow and strengthens the heart as Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Guggulu (Commiphora Mukul).

  • Activities

    Specific Asanas, Pranayamas, meditation are very effective treatments in Ayurveda and helps to reduce the symptoms of coronary heart disease.