Ayurvedic Herbs For Chickenpox

Ayurvedic Approaches And Treatment To Cure Chickenpox photo

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  • Haridra

    Haridra has antibacterial and antibiotic properties that make it useful for the treatment of many skin conditions including psoriasis and chickenpox. It is known as a natural bruise and wound healer. The bioactive properties of Haridra help improve the digestive flora, metabolism and are effective in treating inflammatory conditions.

  • Yashtimadhu

    This herb has natural healing and blood-purifying properties that make it useful for people with chickenpox. Yashtimadhu is a bittersweet herb that acts on the nervous, digestive, excretory, and respiratory systems. It is beneficial in the treatment of Vata disorders, colds, inflammatory conditions, ulcers, sore throat, and pain. We can take Yashtimadhu in the form of a decoction, powder with ghee (clarified butter), milk decoction, etc.

  • Guduchi

    Guduchi is a bitter-tasting herb that helps to improve the overall health of those diagnosed with chickenpox and also improves immunity levels in all three doshas. Guduchi also has blood-purifying properties. It is useful in the treatment of piles, dysentery, fevers, indigestion, pitta conditions, and gout. You can take Guduchi in the form of a powder, extract, or as per your physician’s direction.

  • Manjishtha

    Manjishtha is a pungent-tasting herb that is known as the best herb for blood purification. Manjishtha improves blood circulation, controls bleeding, and mends broken bones. It cleanses and regulates the function of body organs and helps treat many conditions such as hepatitis, chickenpox, diarrhea, paralysis, rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, etc. It is better to take Manjistha in the form of a powder with ghee, decoction and, paste.

  • Nimba(Neem)

    Nimba is a bitter-tasting astringent herb, that has antiviral and disinfectant properties that make it useful for treating many health conditions including chickenpox. Neem leaves can help in fighting the varicella-zoster virus due to their antiviral properties. Consuming a mild tea made by steeping neem leaves in hot water may help in chickenpox. The patient can soak neem leaves in their bathing water. This will help relieve itching and soothe the skin. .