Ayurvedic View On Chicken Pox

Ayurvedic Approaches And Treatment To Cure Chickenpox photo

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As per Ayurveda, chickenpox is referred to as Laghu Masurika. Laghu means smaller or milder, thus chickenpox is a milder version of the more deadly Masurika (Smallpox). It includes Taamra (coppery) and Sapeeta (slightly yellow) Sphota (vesicles) on the body. The symptoms are also accompanied by daah (burning), jwara (fever), ruja (pain) and specifically appear on the body, face, and oral cavity.

In Ayurveda according to Madhava Nidana, ChickenPox (Masurika/LaghuMasurika) is caused by Grahadosha as well as by vitiation of Tridoshas i.e. Vata, Pitta, Kapha and also by consuming excessive sour, salty, bitter food items & Viruddha Ahara Sevan (eg. Milk with fish, etc.).

Based on the dosha involved, the five main types of chickenpox are

  • Vataja (caused by vitiated Vata).
  • Pittaja (caused by vitiated pitta).
  • Sannipataja (caused by vitiation of all three doshas).
  • Kaphaja (caused by vitiated Kapha).
  • Raktaja (caused by vitiated Rakta Dhatu).