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The compositions of Triphala Ghrita include:
- Triphala- Haritaki, Vibhitaki, and Amla.
- Trikatu-pepper, long pepper, and ginger.
- Draksha-Dry grapes.
- Madhuka-Licorice.
- Katuka Rohini-Picrorhiza glabra.
- Prapaundarikadi-Lotus variety.
- Ela-Cardamom.
- Vidanga-Embelia ribes.
- Naga Keshar-Mesua ferrea.
- Nilotpala-Nymphaea stellata.
- Shweta and Krishna Sariva-Hemidesmus indicus.
- Chandana-Sandal wood.
- Haridra-Turmeric –Curcuma longa.
- Daruharidra-Berberis aristata.
- Ghee-576 g.
- Milk-768 ml.
- Triphala Kashayam-2.304 liters.