Vata Related Allergy
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Causes of Vata related allergy are all Vata aggravating factors such as dry foods, cold foods, windy weather, overactivity, stress, spicy and astringent foods.
- Joint pains, bone aches, irregular sleep, abdominal pain, twitching muscles, bloating of stomach, etc.
- Allergy can affect the respiratory system, bones & colons, nervous system, etc.
- Other symptoms are people start suffering from headaches, earaches, asthma, tinnitus, anxiety, etc.
When Vata becomes predominant, we are required to overcome it. Hence, you need to develop a Vata pacifying diet. Conventional remedies are drinking a cup of ginger or licorice tea with a drop of ghee is desirable. Another approach is Dashamula Tea and enema therapy helps balance Vata-type allergy.